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I Found the Key: A Poem of Love, Confidence, and Self-Realization

You are who you have been searching for. Within you lies the love, the power, the joy. The world around you is merely a reflection of your inner self. Discover the key to your heart within you. The treasures have been waiting for so long.
You are who you have been searching for. Within you lies the love, the power, the joy. The world around you is merely a reflection of your inner self. Discover the key to your heart within you. The treasures have been waiting for so long.

I looked for the key all over the world,

Searched every place you can imagine.

I traveled the entire world and back to find the key,

Even looked in others to find my key.

Excuse me, have you seen my key?

The key is me.I found the key.

I am the key.What key?

The key to my happiness,

The key to my power. Joy. Love.

The key to open my heart,

And let the treasures out.

My heart's desires are my treasures.

I found the key.

I am the key.

One day, I saw the key.

It was buried between the clouds of my mind.

The key has always been there.

I just couldn't see it in the dark.

One day, after traveling the entire world,

I sat down in silence, in my quietness.

Then the key revealed itself.

The key has always been there.

I just couldn't see it.

All this time.


A Poem from the book of Self-Love, by Master It in 90 Days

Author: Alina Shahnazari, Founder, President and Co-creator

self-love is the root of well being. Personal growth starts with self love.

Flying Books

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